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Mastery Under Pressure - with Tina Greenbaum

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Mastery Under Pressure gives CEOs and senior-level managers the additional professional and personal tools to not only excel but to empower their teams and their associates. As a licensed psychotherapist and professional sports psychology consultant she has long understood that being good at your profession doesn’t make you good at your job. Her ability to give high-performing executives and business owners the skills they need to work within any corporate culture has made Tina a sought-after speaker, workshop leader, and peak performance specialist.
Tina Greenbaum, M.Ed., LCSW is the Founder and CEO of Mastery Under Pressure, a management coaching program for high-performing executives who need to be able to make clear decisions in high-stakes environments and refine and master their interpersonal and inter-departmental skills.

* * IIBA Members and Guests, please register for this presentation here: https://iiba-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd--sqDoiHtRL5C5_ZpFCRaLjqfhRLGW4

You can purchase a copy of Tina's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Mastery-Under-Pressure-stands-between/dp/1796241210/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0


Event Details: 
Please join us for a lunch-and-learn special event with author/speaker Tina Greenbaum: "Mastery Under Pressure".
Event Location: 
via Zoom.
Tina Greenbaum